Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 14, 2013

Let's Build with Boxes: As a whole group, I presented the children with three medium sized boxes. We discussed what we could build with them. After brainstorming many ideas, we decided to build a rocket ship. During centers, students decided where we would cut the box by drawing lines. Some children studied pictures in books

Miss Theresa and Miss Cecilia’s February 2013 Newsletter

This past week we began a unit on Healthy Eating as a response to the children's interest in mixing and making things. Their favorite activities seem to have the common denominator of mixing being involved. They have enjoyed mixing paint, colored water, gel and glitter, glue and shaving cream, oil and water, baking soda and

Miss Krista’s Kindergarten Newsletter; February 11, 2013

Cups in Construction Center: We have recently added red plastic cups to block area. With several hundred red cups to build with, the children have enjoyed building walls, pyramids, and a variety of other structures. This type of manipulative really pushed children to think outside of the box. We began using the new manipulative by

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for February 8, 2013

This week we have started learning about the universe. We are breaking the theme into three different sections. They will cover various areas related to outer space and flight. We started with learning about the Solar System and constellations, will move on to the sun and moon, and finish up learning about flight both on

Miss Sue and Miss Sara’s February 2013 Newsletter

We really enjoyed meeting with all of you during our two days of conferences. It is always nice to sit and chat about the progress your children have made in just a few short months. If you ever have questions or concerns our door is always open or send us an email and we will

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for January 25th

This week we were able to work on many different activities to enrich our learning experience about aquarium life. The students are still asking great questions and are curious to learn more. Writer’s Workshop has been very active! We are continuing to work with the animals that we researched at the Aquarium. Each student is