Miss Clare’s Newsletter for January 11, 2013

Welcome to the second half of our school year! We are “diving” in right away to learn about aquarium life. There are many exciting activities planned including a study of guppies and snails. The students will be able to make observations in the classroom. A trip to the Aquarium is planned for January 18th. The

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for December 14th

This week we got into the holiday spirit by learning about some of the holidays in December. The students learned information about Hanukkah, Christmas, Diwali, and Kwanzaa. The students discovered that these holidays have similarities including using lights, singing songs, and being with family. During our reading time we focused on the book, How the

Miss Clare’s Newsletter for December 7th

What a great week we have had together! This work we worked on building our classroom community. We have started some new routines and have started a new daily schedule. The students brainstormed new classroom jobs and rules. We discussed that we need to take care of our classroom and take pride in the way

Miss Chamberlain’s K/1 News Nov 15

I hope everyone is ready for Thanksgiving! We are very excited for our Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 20th. Please do not pack a lunch for your child. We have been preparing all week learning about the first Thanksgiving. We created a chart to brainstorm what we know and what we would like to learn

Miss Chamberlains K/1 News Nov. 8, 2012

What an important week for our students. Pembroke kids were able to make history by choosing the next president! 54 to 32 Barack Obama won the election at Pembroke. The students felt like grown ups going up to the polling booth and casting their votes. After the election we returned to the classroom to calculate

Miss Chamberlain’s K/1 News Nov. 1, 2012

Wow what a week! I hope that everyone is staying warm with the power outages. Thank you to all of the parents who brought in all of the yummy treats on Wednesday for our Halloween party. This week we have been learning about each part of the body and how it works. The students worked