
Our curriculum grows out of the goals we have for all children. We believe that planned, organized experiences are important, as are flexible, spontaneous experiences, and that an effective learning environment will provide a balance of both. Our educational philosophy is grounded in the principle that children cannot be given knowledge, but rather must be provided with experiences from which they construct their own knowledge and develop their own skills.

Our Early Childhood Program seeks to achieve these goals by combining the best features of current educational theories:

In the Hallway

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

The Importance of Play

Pembroke’s curriculum is developmental and play-based. We believe that creative play is a critical component of early childhood education, and our program provides lots of opportunities for child-initiated learning.

To learn more about the importance of imaginative play, please visit the Alliance for Childhood website. Another excellent resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics, “The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds,” can be downloaded here.

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.”

Fred Rogers
American television personality