We had such nice visits with all of our parents during conferences. It is great to be able to share your child’s work and also hear stories about them from you. If at any time you feel you would like to discuss your child’s progress with us please call or ask to talk with us at school.

The week of February 8th will be all about Valentine’s fun! We will have Show and Tell and we will be busy decorating our Valentine bags and learning about caring for our friends and family. Look for lots of artwork to be coming home next week.

The children are working very hard at printing their names each morning for the job jar. Some are working on their last names or even printing first and last names. The younger students are working on the first two or three letters in their first names. We are very proud of all their achievements.

Our upcoming grocery store theme is always very popular. We will have shoppers, cashiers, baggers, and stock clerks. The children have learned to negotiate for different jobs and to wait their turn for another job. The children will also have the opportunity to make out their own “grocery lists”.

We’ve discussed fractions this week by discussing items such as a whole and how that item could be shared or divided among friends. Many of the students picked up on this math concept quickly.

With our wall of environmental print growing each day, we have the opportunity to read all the labels that we have added to this fun reading activity. At journal time the children are working hard sounding out words and adding letters to their pages.

We’ve created beautiful colored frosting in our science center by adding food coloring to plain frosting and stirring it up with pretzels. The children love anything that involves getting to eat their hard work!

After Valentine’s week we will have one more week of Grocery Store and then two weeks of Dinosaurs!!

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